
沃拉沃拉大学 resources for the media

沃拉沃拉大学是一所 基督复临安息日会 institution of higher education founded in 1892. A fully-accredited institution, WWU offers more than 100 areas of study in professional and technical programs and the liberal arts. 

The headquarters of WWU is located on an 83-acre campus in 大学的地方 situated in the Walla Walla Valley in Southeastern 华盛顿 state. The 大学 also operates four satellite campuses, including a School of Nursing in Portland, 俄勒冈州, a marine biology station near Anacortes, 华盛顿, and School of Social Work and Sociology campuses in Missoula and Billings, 蒙大拿. 了解更多关于WWU的信息.



CHE hosts workshops to educate and strengthen church community service efforts


六月初, 沃拉沃拉大学’s Center for Humanitarian Engagement (CHE) hosted a weekend-long community engagement workshop. The training was open to all community members, as a part of the CHE's CARE Project, and was designed to help define the purpose of the church in community engagement; participants learned how to set goals for and measure the success of community service efforts. The event was sponsored by the North Pacific Union Conference along with Adventist 社区服务s at the North American Division

As the CHE’s CARE Project specialist, senior math and psychology major Jocelyn Curiel served as student lead for this weekend, organizing its events alongside CHE executive director David Lopez. The CARE Project’s mission is to increase the involvement of young people in community service; this weekend was about setting a baseline for churches who host service opportunities to make it easier and more effective for young people and community members to volunteer.

Curiel says, “it is more important to think about why rather than what. You need to know more than just that you want to help, because that is too directionless.” She believes that being intentional in service produces stronger results, and this workshop’s events were meant to provide that clarity of mission. 

The weekend began with an optional service opportunity and an evening workshop about mission and vision by Lopez—what churches wish to accomplish in service and how to follow through. The next morning, WWU School of Business’s Dr. Stephen Pilgrim presented on why service is important to Christians and why it should be established in the church. The rest of the day included a tour of the WWU campus, and a final workshop by CHE associate director Joanna Nelson about understanding success indicators of community service. 

在与与会者交谈后, Curiel discovered the general consensus was that the weekend was extremely beneficial and appreciated. She confirms the CHE will be planning more similar workshops for the future.

For more about future service opportunities and workshops or general CHE information, visit jshlawfirm.com/CHE.


Joanna Nelson presenting on community outreach


2020-2021 Distinguished 教师 Lecture

Department of 音乐 performance

2019 Christmas concert: 访问ors

生活. 在一起.

All great stories must begin somewhere. Ours begins where the air is clear and where ideas, energy, and people do life—together.



Westwind, the magazine of 沃拉沃拉大学, is published three times a year (March, 7月, and November) to share news and information about WWU with alumni, 在校生家长, and other friends of the 大学.